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Module 1.2 - A Turning Point Event for Environmental Science - Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring"

Writer's picture: Bailey MoraidaBailey Moraida

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

1. Point of View

The point of view of the video is told in a third person style, narrating a monumental part of history that involved Rachel Carson and her work. The video shares the timeline of history during world war two and after; describing the harsh reality of war, where majority of soldiers were dying from malaria than actual war violence. This problem led to the creation of DDT which was used to kill insects across the nation. Rachel Carson saw the true consequences of this quick fix that caused a war against the earth. Which ultimately led her to her widely famous novel Silent Spring. The perspective of Rachel Carson’s work is presented positively in the video, despite all the negative controversy that stigmatized Rachel Carson’s work as false.


2. Purpose

The purpose of this video is to show the timeline of why Rachel Carson wrote the book Silent Spring that rebutted what was considered modern science. While also showing the effects after she released this book and the controversy that arose. The goal is to show the positive effects Rachel Carson had on the whole world. The goal is to show how history can continue to repeat itself if we don’t consider how what we do influences and effects all aspects of the environment. Continuing Rachel Carson’s words of wisdom and knowledge seen written in her book, is an important aspect of why the video is important, and the purpose of its creation.


3. Questions at Issue

The issues presented throughout the video range throughout the timeline. The first issue was that across the nation soldiers were dying from malaria. DDT was then created that solved this problem dramatically. Rachel Carson saw the negative effects that DDT had on the environment and other species besides insects. In addition to this Carson suggests the long-term negative effects DDT could have on humans; both creating another issue. The next problem came after Carson published her book; a great deal of controversy arose. People wanted her silenced, they believed she was a communist who needed to be stopped, even years later people still think she is to blame for the continued existence of malaria.


4. Information

The information and facts presented throughout the video help support the overall claim. A good deal of information is given about Rachel Carson; She was a biologist by training, a writer, 38 during the summer of World War 2, she was employed by the U.S fish and wildlife service overseeing the publication of conservation work, reader monthly digest denied her publication of her work on DDT. Some data presented includes the information that led to the creation of DDT. It was said that more soldiers were dying from malaria versus them dying from gunshot wounds, because typhus’s was spread by lice and untreated would kill. This then led to the facts about Paul Muller, a Swiss chemist who had discovered DDT to be successful for the use of pesticides. Facts about how DDT works to kill insects was also provided, stating it was absorbed through feet and other parts of the body, affecting the nervous system and motor coordination of the insect. Several hours later symptoms occur; restlessness, convulsions, trimmers, paralysis then death. This information shows you how harsh DDT was and held lead you to the logically implication of how it could cause the same harsh affects to other species.


5. Interpretation and Inference

You can conclude from the video that the implication that Rachel Carson’s work was in fact needed for the safety and health of the environment. The video states that DDT causes collateral damage to the environment, by the end you can conclude that this statement is true. You can also conclude from the video that Rachel Carson’s way of thinking; that just because something seems great and revolutionary, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise caution. Implying that we as humans should be careful as to what we put into the world and be cautious of the way it effects the environment and mankind. The greatest conclusion from the video is showing how something so important and life changing can be considered a turn off and unwelcoming knowledge because it’s so terrible. You learn that this does not mean the information should not be told.


6. Concepts

The main concept of the video is showing Rachel Carson’s theory of the harmful effects of DDT on the environment. Her theory shows the world that DDT is not the miracle creation that everyone believed it to be. It caused more harm than it did good. This theory ultimately led to the law in America that banned the use of DDT as a pesticide. Throughout the video you see how Rachel Carson was a heroic model of an environmentalist. She saw something that was damaging her environment and sprung into action. The process was not easy for her since she was denied the first publication of her research by the Readers Digest. Even after she was able to successfully publish her research with the book Spring Hill, she was faced with an ample amount of negative controversy and hateful implications of her as a person. She believed in her work and didn’t let it stop her from telling the truth. The video shares a great concept for all men and women alike; to question, research and search for the truth in all science.


7. Assumptions

From the video you can assume that during this time period, the health of the environment was not seen as an important issue by many Americans. People were willing to ignore factual evidence that proved their miracle invention of pesticide as harmful to the environment and species living in it. Rachel Carson never denied the need of a pesticide, she acknowledged the vast majority of soldiers dying from malaria and believed something needed to be done. She believed more research needed to be conducted and caution needed to be exercised. People still ignored this reasoning and called her a communist. You can assume that fighting for environmental rights has not always been an easy task and continues to be this way; due to the fact that even today many people still believe Rachel Carson was wrong in her work.


8. Consequences

Rachel Carson faced many consequences from her creation of Silent Spring; good and bad. She was hated by many for her implications of DDT. She was also loved by many for her heroism to try and help the environment. Ultimately the end result was that DDT was banned from being used as a pesticide, which inevitably helped save the environment during this time period and today. The outcome of her book was instrumental in environmental biology today. Her work is continued today, and she is forever remembered for the difference she made.



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