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Activity 3.2.1 – Natural Resources Review

Updated: Mar 4, 2020

(Energy Resources) & (Freedman, Bill)



Natural resources are an essential part of survival for all life forms on earth. This is because natural resources include food, water, warmth, air and energy sources. Natural resources can be broken down into non-renewable and renewable sources of energy. The difference between the two are very important. Non-renewable sources cannot be replaced and or can’t be regenerate at a speed to compensate for usage. Non-renewable sources include fossil fuels like; coal, oils like crude oil. Obtaining these resources negatively impacts the environment but are used because they are generally cheaper to obtain. While renewable sources can be harnessed naturally and replaced, they can also be used repeatedly. Renewable resources include, biomass, hydropower, solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy and geothermal energy. Obtaining these resources does not impact the environment in a negative way and can help reduce air pollution. The inevitable demand for natural resources will always be needed. But if we continue the same path of using non-renewable resources it will continue to negatively impact the environment and increase the severity of global warming. Ways to reduce the risk is to reduce the use of natural resources by reducing the amount of waste we create by; turning off the lights when we don’t need them or reducing water use by taking shorter showers. Reuse renewable resources by using them again for the same function; collecting rainwater to use it for lawns and gardens. Lastly would be to recycle; by using resources and converting the resource into energy, example; electronics, iron, steel, plastic and glass. If we all participate in these three concepts, we can help change our world.



  1. "Energy Resources." , directed by Anonymous , produced by Brian A. Jerome, and Visual Learning Systems. , Visual Learning Systems, 2007. Alexander Street, https://video-alexanderstreet-

  2. Freedman, Bill. Environmental Science: a Canadian Perspective. W. Ross MacDonald School Resource Services Library, 2012

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