Water Bill: My water bill is consistently between $85-95. This means my household of four uses 14,960 gallons of water each month.
Water Calculator: USGS Science for a changing world
Usage Per a Day: 516.36 gallons of water used each day. 516.36 / 4 person household = 129.09 gallons of water used per a person each day.
Water Calculator: SouthWest Florida Water Use Calculator
Usage Per a Day: 386 gallons of water used each day. 386 / 4 person household = 96.5 gallons of water used by per a person each day.
Water Calculator: CSGNetwork Water Consumption Calculator
Usage Per a Day: Interior gallons a day= 84g, exterior gallons a day= 19g. Total gallons per a day = 103g.
103 / 4 person household = 25.75 gallons of water used per a person each day.
Result explanation:
When you calculate my household's monthly bill and divide it for each day it's roughly 498 gallons used each day. (I divided 14960 by 30). This means each person uses about 124.5 gallons of water each day. The first calculator I used from USGS Science for a Changing World - was almost spot on. calculator did ask how many glasses of water are consumed each day and more interestingly asked often the sink is used for hand and face washing as well as how often face/legs are shaven each day. Which I thought was a really interesting question to ask. Besides that all the other questions were the exact same as the other calculator. The second calculator - SouthWest Florida Water Use Calculator wasn't too far off from the actual water usage in my household. The third calculator from CSGNetwork Water Consumption Calculator was being awfully optimistic with my daily household water use. Unfortunately the results from this calculator are much lower than the actual water usage of my household. Although using 25.7 gallons of water each day per a person will be a far fetched new goal for my household.
According to USGS Science for a Changing World the average household uses 80-100 gallons of water each day per a person. My house hold is 24% over the highest average. Luckily we do not use twice as much as the average usage; we are at a fixable point. I believe our problem area is that we water our grass everyday. I believe if we were to decrease the amount of times we water our grass to once or twice a week, this will greatly decrease our water usage. I also believe we could all learn to take shorter showers and this will help decrease the usage as well.